How to Set Up the Pricing Settings of Your Products?

Decide how you wish to price your items - keep reading for a complete how-to guide

In order to reprice your products accurately, you must set your pricing page. 

Go to Settings➞Supplier settingsPricing

  1. Select Store - Make sure to select the store you wish to edit
  2. Supplier -Select the supplier you wish to apply the settings to
  3. Product Cost -Your final product cost is calculated by the fees and profits you set. This section gives you a preview of your product’s cost according to these parameters.
  4. Fees- The Fees are a percentage that consists of your store and your payment fees.


    Clicking on "Help me calculate"  button will open a window that will help you easily calculate the percentage of the fee you should use.


  5. Additional Profit in % -Set your additional profit in %
  6. Additional Profit in $- Set your additional profit in $
  7. Default Automation- Choose if you want to apply the automation rules you created. You can learn more about the automation feature in this link.
  8. Minimum profit per product- The minimum profit you want to get per product.
  9. Dynamic Profit - activating this feature allows you to set a dynamic profit for your products by product cost range. The default starting product range is 0. Once you set the first range and rule, you will be able to add more rules or choose to remove them as in the example below:
  10. Set Price Cents Value- add a decimal cent value to all your products. The system will round the price to the decimal value you selected. Please Note: It is possible that this feature will decrease your final profit settings to be less than the minimum profit you have set up.

You will see this setting in Shopify stores only:

Compare Price - this feature will create a comparison of the 'before and after' of the price of your products. You can choose to show a $ or % discount on the price. If we choose $10:

This is how it will look on your Shopify account:

11.  Include Shipping Price - To include shipping costs in the source price of your products, you will need to activate this option. Please refer to this article for more information on how this setting works.



  • Changes on the general settings page will be applied only to the new products.

    If you wish to apply changes to existing listings, you can do it in bulk.

  • It is important to set pricing settings for each of your suppliers. Check your suppliers' list and configure their settings.


AutoDS Tip💡

We suggest reading the following blogs on how to automate dropshipping and get ahead of the competition


If you have further questions that were not answered in this article, please do not hesitate to turn to us at the support chat - we will be more than happy to assist you.