Bulk Changes - A Full Overview

Learn how and what changes you can make on your products, drafts, and orders using the bulk action

AutoDS allows you to run bulk changes on some or all of your products, drafts, and orders.

Through this guide, you can learn what changes and how you can apply them.

Products Page

First, check here how to apply the bulk changes on your product page.

Please check the featured numbers in the following image. You will find a detailed explanation of each featured number underneath the picture.

  1. Fees %- Fees are a percentage consisting of your selling channel and your PayPal fees. 
  2. Fees $- Fees are a percentage consisting of your selling channel and your PayPal fees. 
  3. Additional profit $ -Set / Change By profit $ to all chosen drafts. 
  4. Additional profit % -Set / Change By profit %  to all chosen drafts.
  5. Quantity - change the quantity by setting a new quantity value.
  6. Round cents - set the decimal cent value on the drafts you chose to change. The system will round the price to the decimal value you selected. Please note: This feature may decrease your final profit settings to be less than the minimum profit you have previously set.
  7. Shipping method - this will help you to change from the current shipping method to another one. Click here to review what each method means.
  8. Template - Choose the new template you want to set for your existing listings. Click here to learn how to edit or add templates.
  9. Shipping price - Decide whether the shipping price will be factored into your source price.
  10. Tags - choose whether to add or remove specific/several tags for the selected drafts. Tags are meant for your internal reference and organization.
  11. Auto Order- choose if you want the system to send the listings to automation or not
  12. Stock Monitoring- choose if you want the system to monitor stock or not for this draft future listing.
  13. Price Monitoring- choose if you want the system to monitor the price for this draft/future listing.
  14. Automation - Choose price automation from your created automation (Settings page-> automation to apply to the selected listings. You can learn more about the automation feature in this help article.
  15. Brand- Choose if you want to change the Brand name.
  16. Title - Remove or add words to the title. Note that the words you add will be added to the end of the title.

  17. Compare price - this setting creates a comparison of the 'before and after' of the price for your chosen drafts. You can choose to set the compare price by % / USD. The compared price will not change the current sell price, it will just display the higher compared price to emphasize the discount (note this is not applicable to all selling platforms).

    For example, if the current price is $169.95 and you choose to compare price by 15% then it will show a compare price of $199.95.

  18. Location - Set a new Zipcode and country from where the listing is sourced.
  19. Collections- Applies to Shopify, select the collection this product should feature in.
  20. Return Policy  - Choose if you want to change your Payment policy for your listings on eBay.
  21. Shipping Policy - Choose if you want to change your shipping policy for your listings on eBay.
  22. Payment Policy - Choose if you want to change your Payment policy for your listings on eBay.
  23. Dynamic Policies - Choose if you want to use Dynamic policy, you can read more about Dynamic policies here
  24. Additional Handling Days - Choose if you want to add extra handling days to your listings.
  25. Allow global shipping program - Choose if you want to take part in the Ebay Global shipping program.

Orders Page

First, check here how you can apply the bulk changes on your products page.

  1. Sent to Auto order- this option will appear only if you have orders in 'pending status `and gives you the option to send orders to automation in bulk.
  2. Pending - If you wish to stop automation for the items - change them to Pending.
  3. Ordered - if you choose to work without auto orders and you place your orders manually then you have the option to update the orders' status to 'ordered' in bulk.
  4. Shipped - changing your orders in bulk to 'shipped'.
  5. Delivered- changing your orders in bulk to 'Delivered'.
  6. Canceled - changing your orders in bulk to 'Canceled'- changing to this status will also cancel the order on the selling site. 

Buy Accounts Page

If you wish to change your buy account settings in bulk, you can do so by selecting the relevant accounts and clicking on the✎ icon to go open the editing options

  1. Max pending orders- Change the amount of maximum pending orders (orders that were placed but not yet delivered).
  2. Daily Orders price limit- Change the gift card daily limit.
  3. Auto Order - Enable/disable auto-ordering from the chosen buy accounts.
  4. Auto tracking numbers - Enable/disable auto-tracking number updates from the chosen buy accounts.
  5. Order scan- enable/ disable to order scan feature 
  6. Validate Prime- Choose if, from this buy account, you allow ordering only Amazon Prime products. 

Click here to get a detailed explanation about 'buy account' settings.

If you have questions that were not answered in this article, please do not hesitate to contact us at the support chat - we will be more than happy to help you.