Terms and Conditions for AutoDS Private Suppliers

Outlining a smooth cooperation with AutoDS and our Dropshippers

To ensure smooth cooperation between you, our dropshippers, and AutoDS, we kindly request your careful consideration and adherence to the following terms and conditions. Please note that failure to consistently adhere to these rules may lead to the termination of our cooperation. By using AutoDS platform as an AutoDS Private Supplier you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:

1. Order Fulfillment:
  • Upon receiving an order, you are expected to promptly dispatch the item and update the order with a valid tracking number within the specified handling time, as configured in your account settings, specifically your shipping policy. Failure to comply with this requirement will render the order ineligible for payment.
    Valid Tracking Numbers: A valid tracking number can be tracked on this link: https://www.17track.net/en. Should your tracking number prove untrackable through this link, please do not hesitate to contact us for resolution.

2. Order Cancellation:
  • We understand that circumstances may arise preventing the fulfillment of an order. However, repeated order cancellations can compromise our dropshippers’ businesses and therefore are not allowed.

3. Timely Responses:
  • Dropshippers may occasionally contact you with inquiries about their orders or products. It is expected that you respond to these messages within 3 business days to maintain a high level of service. 

4. Communication Guidelines:
  • Communication with dropshippers external to your account is strictly prohibited. If someone requests your email, phone number, or website, kindly inform them that communication is exclusively conducted through the messaging section of their account.

5. Communication with AutoDS:
  • AutoDS may periodically contact you for additional information or clarifications. It is crucial to monitor your emails and respond promptly to ensure a smooth and effective collaboration. 

6. Prohibited Product Categories:
    • Certain product categories, such as alcohol and tobacco products, customisable products are strictly prohibited. Should it come to our attention that you have listed items of these categories you will receive a notification requesting for immediate deactivation.

AutoDS may or may not provide you with a warning prior to restricting your account as a supplier and therefore terminating your collaboration with our platform. This will depend on the severity and urgency of each case. We always want to promote and keep an open communication with all suppliers. However, if we become aware that the businesses of our dropshippers are in danger due to failed compliance with the above mentioned conditions, or by any other means, then your account may be restricted effective immediately.