MIP (Non-API) integration to eBay

The eBay Merchant Integration Platform (MIP) is an application that eBay sellers can use to manage product listings and orders. AutoDS uses this application in order to have a non-direct (Non-API) connection between your AutoDS account and eBay. This type of connection is called Non-API MIP.
Please note that AutoDS recommends using the regular eBay connection as the most robust and trusted, full-featured solution. 

Before you can connect your eBay store, it is essential to have already set up your eBay seller account. 

To use the Non-API MIP integration service, please follow these steps: 

1.   Configure your eBay MIP store

  • Ensure that you are browsing from the same IP address you use to log in to your eBay store.

  • Go to www.mip.ebay.com
  • Click the Get Started button


2   Configure the settings  

  1. Navigate to the left panel on the page that opens and click on Settings, then select Feed Schema.
  2. Select the eBay Format option for the Feed Format
  3. On the Select the file type dropdown, choose the CSV option.
  4. When done click the Save Changes button

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3   How to Get the MIP Token and the eBay User ID

  • From the left panel navigate to Settings > FTP setup.
  • Within the FTP Setup section, you'll find an extended, empty text box (this is where your MIP Token will appear after you click GENERATE TOKEN).
  • CLICK the GENERATE TOKEN button (1) to generate a new MIP token.
  • Position your cursor in the token text box.

- Use CTRL+A (CMD+A) to highlight the text

- Then press CTRL+C (CMD+C) to copy it to your clipboard.

- Finally, use CTRL+V (CMD+V) to paste the token in a Notepad and later use it to paste it in the AutoDS token field while adding your store.

  • In the FTP Setup section number 3, you'll also find the Username information.

- Highlight the Username text and copy it.

- Then, paste the copied username (also known as eBay User ID) into your Notepad and later use it to paste it into the AutoDS store name while adding your store.



4   How to set up the eBay Policies names and Warehouse

  • From the left panel navigate to Settings > Channel management.
  • If there is no channel created click on Add channel
  • In the created channel you will be able to see the eBay Site, the 3 policies and the Warehouse. If you do not have business policies on your eBay store yet, then you must first create them. See here how. Now you need to select each one of the policies on the page (Shipping policy, Payment policy, Returns policy):
  • Click the relevant Add/Edit button on each policy
  • You will decide which will be the default policies on your MIP account. Click on "Add/Edit" for each of the three policy sections and choose your default policy. Repeat this action for all three policies.

  • iShot_2023-10-20_11.34.26

Default Shipping Policy

  • Warehouse: This is an important section as this is where you will set the location of your products, so, please  Click on Set location from the Warehouse column


  • In the pop-up that will open, add the City, State, Country, and Zip code. 

The following is an example address:

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You have finished setting up your eBay MIP store.

Now go to your AutoDS account 

Go to the main menu on the sidebar and click on 'Add Store'


Then click again here on 'Add Store': 


Now you need to choose the selling channel (eBay):

  • Then, choose the eBay target marketplace where you plan to sell your products, such as eBay UK.
  • Enter the store name you copied and pasted in your Notepad into the "Store Name" field.
  • In the eBay token field, enter the token you copied and pasted into your notepad.
  • Make sure to check the Non-API MIP box


You will also need to fill out the policies required in the fields. 

A pop-up will appear once you have successfully added the store, guiding you to download the Non-API extension. Click on the "Download now" button to initiate the download.



  • Click Finish
  • Once the extension has finished downloading, pin it for easy access.
  • Copy the token you see in the AutoDS pop-up

  • Enter the AutoDS Token into the Token Field in your extension settings.
  • Add your email

This is the extension view

You can see your policies from your Store Settings. Click on the store, which is the MIP store you created and added, and look for the Default Selling Platform Policies. 

If you want to use another set of policies or change your default policies, you can do that from Settings>Suppliers Settings>Supplier. 

Click on "Use Custom Policies", and you can add the new policies you want to use. 


Important Notes ❗

  • ALL policy names should exactly match the eBay policy names for import (to Products) to succeed and other related functions. Please be careful when copying them.
  • For the orders and untracked items to synchronize, it is necessary to have the extension running. However, the product uploads, price, and stock updates of your products will still be updated on eBay, regardless of whether the extension is active or not.
  • Adding a non-API eBay account will result in an additional charge to your monthly subscription. For each non-API store added you will pay an additional $9.97 per month.
  • Not all AutoDS features are supported in the NON-API version as explained here.
  • Use only AutoDS to delete products. If you delete items directly on eBay, unlike with the API, your AutoDS store will not be able to synchronize with eBay. As a result, any deleted items will be automatically relisted on eBay when AutoDS attempts to update them for price and stock changes.
  • If you ever regenerate your MIP token on eBay, it is important to promptly replace the Token in your AutoDS store. To do this, simply click on the three dots next to your store and select "Renew Token". Then, paste the new token after copying it from eBay (as shown above).