How Can I Filter My Orders?

Use AutoDS filter feature to better manage your orders - learn how to do it in this help article

Use our filter option to get a better understanding of your orders and work in a more efficient manner. To access the filter feature, go to your Orders page and click Add Feature

Once you click it, you will be able to add the parameters by which you wish to filter your items. 

Once you apply the filter, you will get a list of all the products that answer your filter. You will be able to perform the following:

1- Choose whether you wish to have the orders filtered and match all the conditions (meaning, all filters) or you wish them to match only a specific one of the conditions. 

1- If you hover over the filter you added, you will have the option to delete it. 

2- You can add another filter on top of this one.

3- You can save this filter for future use. 

4- You can clear this filter (or all filters applied).

When you choose to filter again, you will be able to choose it from the list of your saved filters: 


If you have questions not answered in this article, please do not hesitate to contact us at the support chat - we will be more than happy to assist you.