Use the AutoDS Finder tool to set recurring daily uploads to your store saving you time on product research!
You can learn how to use our Finder in this Help Article.
After you selected the categories you wish to upload from and set your pricing, shipping and policy settings, you will reach the last stage- import to store.
Alternatively, you can quickly jump to this step, Click on the ^ logo and select
'Publish recurring'.
Select the time (it shows your time zone) you want to upload each day and click on "Next".
You will see this notification:
IMPORTANT: Please note the time you select is according to your time zone. if you have a VA working for you who sets recurring uploads to your selling channels from the Finder, he will see his time zone, so you need to make sure you convert the required time of upload.
Please check the featured numbers in the following image. You will find a detailed explanation of each featured number below the image.

If you have further questions that were not answered in this article, please do not hesitate to turn to us at the support chat - we will be more than happy to assist you.