How to Upload Products in Bulk?

Learn how you can save time and many products at once to your store using AutoDS' bulk upload feature

On AutoDS, you can bulk upload in two main ways - upload with a list of buy URLs/IDs or via CSV file.

To upload in bulk and save time, first, go to '+ Add Products' from your AutoDS account and select 'Multiple products/stores':

Quick Jump:

Buy URL or ID

All you need to do is to Copy the IDs/URLs from your selected supplier and paste them into the Import box.

Note: make sure there's enough space between the IDs - one line is enough.

It should look like this:

Upload CSV

The file must be a CSV file with the following fields as column titles:

BuyId (Required)

Title (Optional)

Price (Optional)

The file should look like this:

Open Excel/Google Sheets and start creating your CSV file Or, simply download the Example file, and add your products to the 'BuyID' Column.


If you wish to proceed with the Bulk upload, please click on the following article and pick the right platform for you - 


Try out our new product research tool - the AutoDS marketplace.

The AutoDS marketplace feature has been developed to significantly simplify product research, product finding, and product importing. 

Read about it more here.


If you have questions about this topic, please do not hesitate to contact us at the support chat - we will be more than happy to assist you.