How to Schedule a Product Upload?

Learn how AutoDS allows you to better manage your time: upload new products in a specific timeframe of your choosing!

You can watch this video to learn more about this feature or you can follow the manual instructions below the video.
Either you uploaded a single item, many items in a bulk upload, or many via our Finder, you can choose to schedule the upload. Scheduling the upload allows you to set a time and date to upload the products, and make sure you are always updating your store with new products (very beneficial for eBay sellers). 
If you wish to schedule an item, there are two options to do that:
1) Schedule for later - By clicking on this option, you will be redirected to the scheduling step right away.
2) Edit Upload settings - By clicking on this option, you will need to complete the following steps before proceeding to the Import options: General -> Pricing -> Shipping & Policies
After selecting one of the methods, this is the page you should see:
1- Select Date- select the day you want to schedule the upload (you can even select today)
2- Select Time- Pick the time of the upload. If you wish, you can schedule each item to be uploaded every 30 minutes from a list of items. 

Important ❗️

Please note that the time you select is according to your time zone. if you have a VA working for you, he will see his time zone, so you need to make sure you convert the required time of upload. 

Click Next and the item will be added to your scheduled uploads. You will receive this notification:
In order to view it on the scheduled page, you can either click on the blue link in the notification (image above) or on the Drafts page under the 'Scheduled' tab. 

(Please check the featured numbers in the following image. You will find a detailed explanation of each featured number below the image.)

You will see a list of products sorted by the scheduled date. Click the arrow to view the scheduled product and you will be able to edit it (title, image quantity, etc).
Clicking on the3 dots will allow you to change the scheduled date, import it immediately to your store, or delete it.


Try out our new product research tool - the AutoDS marketplace.

The AutoDS marketplace feature has been developed to significantly simplify product research, product finding, and product importing. 

Read about it more here.


If you have questions not answered in this article, please do not hesitate to contact us at the support chat - we will be more than happy to help you.