How to Re-list an Item Which Ended on eBay?
Learn how to re-list an item which ended on eBay and you wish to sell again
You can relist a listing that has ended directly on eBay.
Go to Seller Hub ➱ Listings ➱ Ended
And click Relist.
The listing will appear on your AutoDS account after about 1 hour under the
"Untracked Listings" link (available from the products page) -
You will need to add an ASIN or source item ID to the listing and click Update for it to be monitored. Click here to learn how you can do it.
Once you do so, the product will be monitored with the rest of your products under the Products page.
Just so you know, Re-listed listings will be uploaded as NEW listings on eBay and will not have any watchers, sales, or views. They do not keep the history of sales. This is an eBay limitation. They will have more impressions as newly listed listings.
If you have questions not answered in this article, please do not hesitate to contact us at the support chat - we will be more than happy to help you.