How to directly Import a single product

Learn how to quickly upload a single product to one of your stores

Use Single Product upload when you want to upload only one product to only one store.
 Click on + Add Products -> Single Product

In this upload method you will first need to choose the store you wish to upload to and click 'Next':

Please check the featured numbers in the following image. You will find a detailed explanation of each featured number underneath the image.


1- Selected store — here you will see the store you chose to upload to. If you want to change the store, you can click on the little pencil and choose another one.

2- URL or Product ID - put the Id or URL of the product you wish to upload

3- Supplier source- choose the supplier you upload the product from

4- Region - choose the region

5- If you choose to 'Edit Now (Quick)' you will be forwarded to the edit page. Click here to learn how to edit a single draft.

You will be able to follow up on the process here:

6- By clicking on 'Publish to Store' the system will upload the items according to your default settings for this supplier.

If you have further questions about this topic, please do not hesitate to address us at the support chat - we will be more than happy to assist you.