How to directly Import a single product

Learn how to quickly upload a single product to one of your stores

Use Single Product upload when you want to upload only one product to only one store.
 Click on + Add Products -> Single Product

In this upload method, you will first need to choose the store you wish to upload to and click 'Next':

Please check the featured numbers in the following image. You will find a detailed explanation of each featured number underneath the image.

1- Selected store — here you will see the store you chose to upload to. If you want to change the store, you can click on the little pencil and choose another one.

2- URL or Product ID - put the ID or URL of the product you wish to upload

3- Supplier source- choose the supplier you upload the product from

4- Region - choose the region

5- By clicking on 'Publish to Store' the system will upload the items according to your default settings for this supplier.

6- If you choose to 'Edit Now (Quick)' you will be forwarded to the edit page. Click here to learn how to edit a single draft.

You will be able to follow up on the process here:


If you have further questions about this topic, please do not hesitate to address us at the support chat - we will be more than happy to assist you.