How to Delete Your Untracked Listings on AutoDS?

Learn how you can delete your untracked listings

Untracked products are products that AutoDS is not monitoring for price and stock changes. They are products that have not been connected to AutoDS and for this reason, they appear as untracked.

Some users prefer to keep some items untracked and that's OK as long as they are aware the system will not monitor them. 

Please note that deleting an untracked product from AutoDS will delete it on the selling channel as well (e.g. eBay, Shopify) and not just on AutoDS.

When working with an eBay store, ending untracked products on AutoDS is only possible with eBay accounts connected via our API.


If you wish to end your untracked, you need to:

Go to the Products page and click on untracked products:

Choose the items you want to end and click on bulk delete:

If you tried ending your untracked products in the ways mentioned above, and they were not ended within 3 hours, let us know in the support chat, and we will gladly check it for you. 

If you have further questions that were not answered in this article, please do not hesitate and turn to us at the support chat - we will be more than happy to assist you.