How to Change Products in Bulk?

Learn how you can edit your products using a bulk action

To edit your products go to your products page: Products

You can choose to maybe first filter the items you wish to change, you can learn more about the filter feature here.

If you do not choose to filter first follow these instructions.

Please check the featured numbers in the following image. You will find a detailed explanation of each featured number underneath the image.

1 - You can select all products on the page

2- After you select all products on the page, you have the option to select all your products, when you select this option the system will let you know how many products were selected. 

3- You can also select specific products to apply the change on. 

4 - Once selected, click on the icon to enter the edit options. 

5 - You can Bulk Delete the selected items by clicking on this button

6 - You can use the AI Bulk Rewrite by clicking on this button

Now a pop-up will open showing you the number of products the change will be applied to and encouraging you to choose the parameters to change. Click + Add item to edit:

Once you click a window will open up allowing you to choose the parameters: 

You will be able to add several parameters at one bulk change: 

Once you're done with your selection click Update

Note - If you use the Facebook marketplace as your selling platform, bulk changes won't apply to your Facebook account, only in AutoDS.

You will be notified the products were sent:


You will be able to view their progress on the top of the screen: 


Click View details when it's finished to view the changes:

You will see all products a change was applied to, the details of the change (the parameters that were selected and their new value), and the results: successful or failed changes. 

1- Click the + icon to 'View X more' to see more bulk changes statues. 

2- Click the bin/trash icon to set these bulk changes as seen to clear the list. 


If you have further questions that were not answered in this article, please do not hesitate and turn to us at the support chat - we will be more than happy to assist you.