How Does the Resync Store Feature Work?

Read more to learn when should you use this feature and why

When to use this feature? 

Use this feature when you delete or add products not via AutoDS, meaning directly on the selling platform. 

When you do that, AutoDS cannot tell if you deleted items or added them. For the platform to know, you need to Resync your store. 

Also, use it if you are getting errors when you are editing your products. Here's an example of such an error: 

Variants Error: The variants have not been changed. The following IDs do not exist or do not belong to the product: [4001380******]. 

The system will tell you that the product has ended on the selling platform. 

How to resync the store? 

Go to the edit of your store from any page of the system by clicking on the pencil icon: 

Then on the selected store, click on the 3 dots dropdown, and then click Resync Store.

How long should the resync action take? 

On average, for a medium-sized store, the syncing process should take up to 30 minutes. 

If the store has over 10K listings, it might take longer. 

If after 3 hours there's nothing happens (the number of active listings on the selling site does not match the one on AutoDS, please open a ticket to the support team. 


If you have further questions about this topic, please do not hesitate to address us at the support chat - we will be more than happy to assist you.

LUD: Sep 6th, 2021