AutoDS for Suppliers: configure when and how you will receive payments for your orders
To have access to all payment information, withdrawal, and transactions, please first make sure your payment method details are updated (here is the guide).
To view recent and pending withdrawals, go to the Payments page on the sidebar menu:

- Next withdrawal shows the unpaid order amount that can be withdrawn in the next payment frequency when the minimum automatic transfer amount is reached. Please note that this amount includes orders that may not be eligible for payment
- Withdrawal schedule- here, you will need to set the following:
Minimum automatic transfer amount
Payments frequency- The payment will be sent based on the frequency selected. For example, if you choose weekly payments with a minimum of $100 and you have less than $100, you will not receive a payment that week. However, if you have a bigger amount to withdraw when the payment occurs, we'll send you the whole eligible amount.
The Next Payment date will be updated according to the last payment and your payment frequency. - Historical transactions by types
Paid orders- This shows the total amount of money sent to your bank account from AutoDS.
Pending- This shows the amount of money our finance team is processing and will be sent to your bank account. The pending amount does not include the current next withdrawal amount. - Pending
The total amount to be paid on the next payment date is determined by the Minimum Transfer Amount and the orders that are eligible for payment. This amount will be equivalent to the "Unpaid orders" if all the orders meet the eligibility criteria and the minimum withdrawal amount has been reached.
Orders eligible for payment are those that have:
- A valid tracking number and the order has been fulfilled on Shopify within three days
- Are not cancelled - Recent transactions- divided into Transaction ID, Payment date, Amount, Payment status
- Download order report- You can export this CSV file to follow up on your orders and payments by checking their status (paid/pending), price, and transaction ID.
Important to know 📚
Order will become eligible for payment 3 days after you add a valid tracking number to the order.
On the orders page, you can see if an order is eligible or not under the column 'payments'.
Green $ means 3 days with a valid tracking number have passed - the order is eligible.Red $ means that the order is not eligible for payment due to one of the following reasons:
- The tracking number has not been added to the order yet
- The tracking number has not been added within three days from the initial date the order was placed
- The tracking number provided is not trackable
Please contact our suppliers' team by email at if you have any further questions not answered in this article.