Buying and selling in different currencies

Learn how the AutoDS system displays your prices when using different buying and selling currencies

If you use Shopify, Amazon, or eBay as selling channels, and you buy and sell in different currencies, our system will display the actual price in the currency you sell in on your products and orders page. 

Shopify users -The displayed currency will be based on the default currency you chose on the Shopify settings page. There is no option to change the currency for the selling prices since you need to do that directly on Shopify. Click here to learn how.

eBay & Amazon users - The selling currency is based on the origin where you sell. For example, if you buy in USD from Aliexpress but sell in eBay DE, the selling price will be in EURO, but the buy price still in USD:


If you want to verify which currency AutoDS is using for your selling channel, go to :

Settings page → Store settings:

Important to know 📚

  • The exchange rate will only be updated for the product if there is a need to make an update anyways for the product. For example, the buy price went up/down.
  • The dashboard display is based on the selling currency of the store/orders. But you can filter to see orders or profits data per currency. Click here to learn more (note #2).
  • For other selling channels-  the buy currency and the selling currency will be the same.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at the support chat - we are happy to help.