Use our eBay fee calculator to calculate all your various expenses and reach the most final and accurate profit.
Our goal is to make it easy for you to understand what you’re paying for, so you will be able to focus on maximizing your profits.
Thus, we created the AutoDS eBay selling fees calculator to help our customers
The eBay fee calculator allows you to set your price, look up an eBay Item link, and get a total profit breakdown.
Furthermore, this 2021 eBay fee calculator considers many different options related to your specific eBay marketplace, including insertion fees, eBay final value fees, eBay promotion fees, eBay Managed/PayPal payment Fees, shipping costs, and more.
How do I use it?
First, click Here to enter AutoDS eBay Fee Calculator.
Then, you will see this page:
Please check the featured numbers in the following image. You will find a detailed explanation of each featured number below the image.
1. Select your eBay store region (US, AU and UK)
2. Catagory - Select your selected product category.
3. Payment processor - Select in which Payment processor you are using (Managed/Paypal)
If you decide to pick PayPal, you will see the 'Paypal Transaction Fee' section where you will need to fill the % and the $ fees.
4. eBay Account Options - In this section, there are 3 options
- eBay Store Subscription - Check this if you have an eBay store subscription
- Top Rated Plus - Check this if you are a Top-rated Plus seller.
- International payments - Check this if you are using international payments.
NOTE - You can check more than one option.
5. Insert your product's various pricing details & costs.
You can click on each section '!' to read and understand what exactly you need to fill.
6. Check Fees by item link - By using this section, we can search for an eBay product ID and then, it will show us how much it will cost us to upload this product according to the details we checked & inserted.
For example, let's take this eBay ID:
We will Copy the ID 303761743888 and paste it on the search bar
Then, we will see the profit breakdown of this product:
We recommend filling the left side to get the best & accurate details if you wish to upload this or a similar product.
7. Profit breakdown - In this section, we will be able to see the exact Fees & Profits after filling the previous sections.
Let's take this product for example - B00Z7SJDU8
First, since we are using Amazon US as an example so we can select the region as 'United States. then, we will need to select the correct product Category.
We can see that the category on Amazon is 'Cell phones & Accessories', thus, we will select the same on the Fee calculator:
Then, we will need to select our 'Payment Processor' & eBay Account Options, for the payment we picked Managed, and for the eBay account options, we checked 'eBay store 'subscription' + 'Top Rated Plus'
In the last step, we will need to insert various pricing details & costs.
The selling price we want to have is 30.99$.
The product cost 24.61$ and has Prime shipping, as a result, we do not charge shipping fees from customers nor do we pay the shipping to Amazon (we assume most users have a Prime membership). thus, we will leave the 'Shipping Price' & 'Shipping cost' fields with 0.
As for the promotions, for this example, we will include a 3% promotion fee.
Here is a full breakdown of this product where we can see the Profit, expenses, and fees after filling in all of the details.
Alternatively, we can load an existing eBay ID and then fill the left side details, Click Here to jump to the explanation in this article.
If you have further questions concerning this topic, please do not hesitate to address us at the support chat - we will be more than happy to assist you.